This is a new song by Jay chou. The name of this song is 世界未末日. It means 'Not the end of the world'. This song can be found in Jay chou's new album 惊叹号 (exclamation mark).
The music is composed by Jay chou and the lyrics is by Vincent fang (方文山). I may be doing
I had done the translation!Here

Personal views: This is one of the songs that like in this album. The lyrics in this song is simple but they are with great meanings. The music is also good and it fits perfectly well with the music. This is also a very touching music video, I have lots of describable feeling while watch this music video. I started to think of what are things that I will do if there is only 8 hours left in my life. From what I understand from the song, I think the meaning they are trying to convey is"Don't be afraid of anything towards some someone or something you love. Even it is the end of the world, we must be brave enough to continue that love." For the music video, i think there are also some meaning that they would like to convey. From what I understand, I think it is telling us to treasure what we have and the people around us.
Special views: While watching this video, I started thinking about what will I do if there is only 8 hours left in my life. What will you guys do if you have only 8 hours left in your life. Leave me your comments below. Another thing that I understand from this video "A lot of us are taking things for granted, we do not know how to cherish them until we losing them or had lost them. So, start cherishing each and every moments with your family and friends. Please also start loving our mother Earth and try your best to save her. Lastly, be brave enough to hold the person you love tight even if the world is ending.
ps. video doesn't belongs to me. It belong to its respective owner such as JVR.
Lol, I don't know why, I don't usually do this, but I had tears in my eyes watching that music video. xD